
Security of Historical Cities – Partnership for a Safer Everyday Life

Although tourism brings tremendous benefits to host communities, it also can engender a variety of risks and collateral harm to those communities and to tourists themselves in terms of security difficulties and additional protective measures required for the preservation of the valuable historical heritage of the areas involved.

Such risks require answers on how to protect locals and tourists and their property, how to preserve the heritage, and how to enable a sustainable development of the community within the tourist exploitation areas, keeping in mind the individual different conditions of the involved cities and their architectural heritage.

Guided by the need to protect the cultural, historical, and architectural heritage, we are gathering experts with different profiles, as well as stakeholders who are responsible for the quality of life, in an effort to formulate solutions to enable a synergy of both the present and past. The concept of functional partnerships among stakeholders of responsibility will be addressed by local and international experts in the historical city of Solin.

Big Security Award 2017

Best Partnership for Security Project – Initiative of the Year

The 2017 Big Security Award given by the Croatian Association of Security Managers in the category of “Partnership for Security, the Initiative of the Year,“ was awarded by an expert jury for the best rated project – the 1st International Conference on “Security of Historic Cities,” held in March in Split.

The award was received by the representatives of the Croatian Association of Historical Cities and the Regional Club of IPA Split-Dalmatia, who were also the co-organizers of the conference.

The topic announced for the conference on the Security of Historic Cities in March 2019 is: Partnership for a Safer Everyday Life.

What are the modern security challenges, especially in terms of the risk pertaining to the cultural and historical heritage of old cities affected by tourism expansion, large crowds of citizens and guests, and the various activities in city centres, and the like?

What are the professional and local community responses to these challenges, and which practices actually bring success? How to plan, organize and manage events pertaining to venues, to the economic development and meaningful use of resources in safe conditions?

Which partnerships at the local level help ensure the coexistence of history and contemporary challenges, and in what way?

 Who is this conference for?

Who is this conference for?

  • County prefects, mayors
  • Security and crime prevention professionals
  • Local government representatives (professional community services: utility, transport, etc.)
  • Civilians in city committees, districts, and councils
  • Emergency services (police department, fire department, ambulance, protection and rescue)
  • Civic and professional associations
  • Local safety partnerships: Council for Crime Prevention, Safety Committee, Council for Traffic Safety
  • Employees of private security firms and insurance companies

Speakers - 2023

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Céline Berthon, zamjenica ravnatelja Francuske Nacionalne Policije
Tema: Ljetne olimpijske Igre 2024. u Parizu, Francuska, globalna turistička destinacija   

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Marco Agostini, glavni direktor lokalne Policijske uprave u Veneciji
Tema: Venecija – pogled iz sigurnog kuta

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Damir Ivančić, direktor Policijske uprave Murska Sobota, Slovenija
Tema: Murska Sobota – primjer prakse

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Slobodan Marendić, načelnik PU Splitsko dalmatinske
Tema: Mreža Vijeća za prevenciju kriminaliteta u  Splitsko dalmatinskoj županiji

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Izv. prof. dr. sc. Irena Cajner Mraović, Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Tema: Vijeća za prevenciju kriminaliteta – značaj i uloga

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doc. dr. sc. Krunoslav Borovec, Policijska akademija, Zagreb
Tema: Vijeća za prevenciju kriminaliteta – značaj i uloga

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Antonela Lolić, voditeljica službe za odnose sa javnošću i izvještajnu analitiku u PU splitsko dalmatinskoj
Tema: Medijska promocija sigurnosti – primjer kampanje SafetyNet

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Paško Ugrina, voditelj prevencije u PU splitsko dalmatinskoj
Tema: Vijeća za prevenciju kriminaliteta – praksa i problemi

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Marko Doljanin, načelnik Policijske postaje Trogir
Tema: Vijeća za prevenciju kriminaliteta – praksa i problemi

Previous Speakers

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Hrvatska udruga povijesnih gradova
Sveučilišni odjel za forenzične znanosti

International Police Association
TZ SD Županije
TZ SD Županije

November 7th - 8th 2024.